March 31: random thoughts
I am feeling as though I have been a major breakthrough, and that I need to spend a lot less time thinking about narcissism. That is, I do not have a constant need to process it. It seems less important that I understand every nuance I’ve let narcissists are doing around me. I feel as though this is because I know I am finally free from my parents, they cannot hurt me, at least, they cannot force me to come back. ** Today at work, I jokingly asked Joe, “did you miss me?” I had been gone away from work for four days, due to the pandemic. He replied directly, hope the boat like a sore thumb!” I just laughed it off. Hey said a few other things that were typical of himself, and rice and I left them all. I don’t even remember them, I did not keep them in my mind until I would have any time to write them down. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I realize this is what Rice uses all the time with Joe says something immature and ridiculous. He just laughed it off. Interes...