What does a pedophile look like? (Nov. 13)

I asked my counsellor, "What does a pedophile look like?" He responded...

- [ ] Somewhat charming
- [ ] Manipulative
- [ ] Childish
- [ ] Immature
- [ ] Incredibly self deceived
- [ ] Trauma history
- [ ] Significant boundary issues
- [ ] Secretive
- [ ] The clever ones: “you would never know”
- [ ] Found a way to “partition their souls” so that there are two operating systems running, don’t talk to one another (part of how they keep it so secret)

This last one explains how a person can be a pedophile, and a Christian. It is like multiple personality disorder. Actually, it seems to be exactly the same thing, but a milder form of it. You know, in multiple personality disorder, a person cannot deal with a trauma, and so they section off a part of themselves, and that part of them will deal with the trauma. It is like that with pedophilia. And that is why they can get away with it, and why they can be such charming and "clean" people on the outside. 

This reminds me of a "good Christian" addicted to pornography, or adultery, or any sin. When they are worshipping God, they are in "this" mode, but then they decide to sin, and they are in another mode. Then the repent, and come back to the "good person" mode.

That may be accurate. Do you know the expression, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"? That is very similar to what I am talking about. When a person like this accesses that part of the brain, they move into that personality. But when they are out, they do not think about it. They may be aware of it on some level -- but it is so troubling to the other part of their mind, that they do not deal with it, cannot think about it. And so the two sections of their minds stay very separate. That is why it can be very very hard to detect a person like this.


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