Black Lives Do Matter

I may not agre with all of the solutions being proposed, but I do agree that there is a problem. Racism is still an issue, and systemic racism still cuts deeply, even in places where racism is outlawed. I affirm with passion that black lives matter. I do not think that I need to add “and so do white lives,” because that is implied. All lives matter because there is only one race, the human race. 

But there is one race which is particularly hurting, especially after watching a brutal murder of one of their own. Fir this reason it is appropriate, now, to affirm the value of all life — and particularly black lives. 

Many people and agendas seem to be capitalizing on this crisis. 
I believe that peaceful protest is the answer, and looting and violence is both wrong and unhelpful. 
I believe that all peoples and cultures are equal. I do not agree with those who believe that whites, men, the rich, the elderly, the young, or some combination there within are less human, or less deserving of human dignity, respect, or of having a voice. 
I believe in reforming democratic capitalism. I do not believe in replacing it with socialism. 
I believe in reforming the police forces and educating the population. Anarchy is a horrifying idea, which historically has lead to terrifying results. defunding the police without any sort of replacement structure in place sounds like an anarchism plan to me, and I cannot see the ten ability if the idea. 
I do not think that many if these is issues have much of anything to do with race, and tend to think that those who see a link are simply trying to hijak a movement. 
Clearly, our neighbours to the south are going through significant growing pains, as they seek to navigate this turbulent time. I am attentive to these issues, as they affect my country: but I will be restrained in my commentary and advice as to what they should do, as I am not an American, and these matters are deeply complex. 
I reiterate that black lives matter. There is a problem of racism, and systemic racism. I stand with the black community, in their time of grief. Let’s find answers together. 


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