Falling behind...

In blogging…in really blogging, as I have been doing…there is a certain insistence to it. One must stay at it, and one must stay faithful to writing regularly, or else important steps in the journey will fall to the wayside. Readers will miss out on how you got from point A to point C. The story will get choppy.

Well, I am at that point.

Lately, I just haven’t really felt the urge to write. Also, I have been more fragile than normal, and writing has knocked me out.

And so this post is just me giving myself permission to let the journey go. I can let some things happen without chronicling them. I can grow up, without reaching backwards to lift hypothetical people up with me. Some growth happens in public, some in secrecy.

I have no idea whether I will stop or accelerate my writing: that is near impossible to predict.

But I am removing (yet again) the pressure from myself to keep at it, and don’t let important thoughts go undocumented.

Let them. If they are good and true, they will become a part of me and will not be lost. They wll spill out in conversation, in a blog, or in a sermon one day. There is no compulsion.

I am falling behind, but that is OK. Because I am only racing with myself, and I cannot lose.


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