Narcissism in the Bible (unfinished book outline)

  • Narcissism is an extreme self-focus
  • This self focus causes certain predictable patterns of pain and trauma 
  • There are different types of narcissism, and other conditions, such as psychopaths, sociopaths, sadists, codependency, etc. Which provide further precision 
  • There are a range of words and expressions which have been coined to help identify the key issues in toxic relationships 
  • These same issues were examined, from a religious point of view, in the Bible. 
  • There is much overlap, but one cannot simply equate things: psychology provides a more scientific and precise view, while the Bible provides a more wholistic, religious view, which integrates faith and the believing community. 

Note to reader: may be overwhelming to read all of these, knowing much depth behind each of them
Suggest taking tests, evaluating toxic person. Focusing on 2-4 that apply
Note 2: often self-doubt. Leads yo thoughts of “I’m just as bad.” Consider taking tests yourself. Find out. Also, test a “normal person,” for comparison. 

Psychological analysis of biblical characters 

Classic narcissism
  • A classic narcissist is big, loud, domineering, and creates a world with himself at the centre 
  • Pharaoh 

  • Those raised under narcissists often become codependent, or people pleasers (Israelites in desert)

Hidden narcissism 
  • Some narcissism is more covert/complex 
  • King Saul  

Narcissism in a marriage 
  • Some marriages become a union of evil: both are narcissists in own ways 
  • Covert/overt/fragile
  • Ahab/jezebel

Narcissistic family dynamics
  • Some families become infected with narcissism
  • Some narcissists are not as “full blown,” but their true colours become shown over time 
  • The evil comes out when others move past them, become happy, or try to shake their control 
  • 12 sons
  • Golden child: envy, rivalries, murder (hatred)
  • NOT necessarily part if large families, even mixed marriages : many harmonious large families. They are the norm 
  • Note Jacobs attitude throughout 
  • Cain/Abel
  • Laban/Jacob 

Antisocial personality disorder 

  • Some people are so disorderly and evil, their influence “burns” everyone they touch, including people loyal to them
  • These people tend to end up in jail, or else tyrant war lords
  • Gideons son

  • Some people are chillingly successful at being evil, and hiding it

Dark triad:
  • some can combine all of these, and add machiavelluanusm 
  • King Herod the great 

Did: multiple personality disorder 
  • Everyone experiences having “many voices” in their heads 
  • Some people fragment these voices to become distinct personalities 
  • This can go so far as multiple personality disorder 
  • This can be milder, but no less toxic: a personality that comes out only when angry, drunk, sexually aroused, etc. 
  • This can be complicated, because only have a relationship with one of the personalities: deny or never see the others
  • King Saul (son never saw the other side until much later, switched back and forth on David)
  • One personality may be psychopath, etc

  • Jezebel, at end 

Biblical perspective 
  • Let us return to survey the same material, from the Bibles point of view 
  • Much overlap
  • See how psychology gives more detail to picture 

  • Think they know everything, nobody can talk to thrm 
  • Nabal

  • After Absolom 

divisive men
  • Korah

  • Cauin/Abel
  • Difference between churches “spurred on” and rivalries: try to tear down
  • Malicious gossips

Performance-based religion
  • busybodies

Answers to questions:
  • are all sins equal?
  • Besetting vs repenting of suns
  • Forgiveness, without real change? (Repentance). Did 

Section two: responses to trauma

  • Israelites in wilderness
  • Couldn’t accept freedom
  • Feared entering promised land
  • Mistrusted and attacked good leaders/people 
  • Longed to go back to slavery 
  • Wandered in desert “until death”
  • ...must put your death part if you still slave to person 

  • Elijah/Jezebel
  • Trying to change: see progress, then stone wall and agression: sends into spirals 
  • Needs to give up on him, appoint new king
  • Samuel: same thing 

Trauma bonds/Stockholm 
  • Israelites

From codependent to assertive 
  • taking charge of life
  • Joshua 
  • Gideon

Silent enablers
  • People beside king Saul: did nothing 
  • Time to take action!


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